Andrew performs under the lights at High End Systems.
Lorrie adds more beauty to an evening on the lake.
Hitting the high notes at an Austin hotspot.
The lady in red sings a mean tune.
Tambourining, singing and making his point -- what a talent!
Andrew and Lorrie get the crowd in the mood for a UT Football game at Royal Memorial Stadium in Austin.
When Andrew sings "lean on me," the guys take him seriously.
Cool, slick -- hey, it's Andrew!
Singing a mean tune before an Oasis sunset.
Lorrie hits the high notes.
Entertaining the fans after the game at the Dell Diamond in Round Rock.
Singing in the new Millennium at The University of Texas.
Who says two masses can't occupy the same space?
With Hall of Famer Nolan Ryan after a performance in Shreveport.
A big smile always greets Reunion's fans.
Future's so bright, he's gotta wear shades.