Reunion News

Reunion drummer Tommy was Da Bomb (well, actually the photo
bomb) when Andrew was getting his picture taken with Chirs
Layton, right, Double Trouble founder and drummer to Stevie Ray
Vaughan. The gathering of great percussive minds was
courtesy a San Antonio wedding the legendary musician was
4/15/14 |

The 20th annual 3M Half Marathon brought out the runners, the
band, and a brand new disco ball, displayed here by trumpeter
Sam at the big race.
1/19/14 |

Carrell, right, makes his rocking Reunion Band debut at the
Oasis on Lake Travis in September. His dad, band
founder/keyboardist John Carrell, is at left. A third
Carrell, Matt, has played drums with the band on many occasions.
Rock on, Mike! 9/2/12 |

We agree...


About a fourth of a large Austin
McCallum HS class -- the class that spawned Reunion -- returned to town
for a big summer get-together. Here, Reunion
trombonist Kelly Hodge, center, chats with classmates Bob Schacherl, VP
for global sales at Vari-Lite, one of the world's most influential
entertainment lighting companies, and Martha Root Middleton, whom the
band has the pleasure of seeing annually at the 3M Half-Marathon. if you
missed the big Mac too-do, don't worry: you have a second chance
to join the fun. On Sept. 1, 2012, Reunion plays for the
2012 McCallum Anderson Lanier Mid-'70s Annual Reunion at The Oasis,
an event which gets bigger and better every year. Reunion looks forward
to another fun-filled Knight Night! 7/22/12
The day after Reunion played a
wedding at the
UT Golf Team's home course, the Horns won
their first national championship in 40 years. It gave us cause to
look up the band's record as it relates to playing major Texas sports
events. We wish we'd been this good on our recent group lottery
Nov. 13, 2004, DKR Memorial Stadium, Austin.
Reunion plays a pre-kickoff party before Texas overwhelms Oklahoma State
Nov. 12, 2005, DKR Memorial Stadium, Austin. This year's bash
precedes Vince Young and Texas' 66-14 rout of Kansas en route to a
National Championship.
4, 2006, DKR Memorial Stadium, Austin. Another Reunion party,
another Horn win over Oklahoma State, 36-10.
Oct. 24, 2011, World Series Game 5, The Ballpark in Arlington.
The Rangers win 4-2 over
the St. Louis Cardinals before Reunion plays the
post-party at the
June 2, 2012, Wedding, UT Golf Club, Austin. Next day the Home
Team claims the national crown at Riviera.
If you're keeping score at home, Reunion is
1.000 for the current millennium.
Full Disclosure: The band's record in the
millennium is less impressive. The McCallum High School team made
valiant efforts but usually lost and in 1972 Reunion played a
presidential campaign rally for George
McGovern, left. In the election, Richard Nixon eked out an
18-million-vote victory. 6/3/12
Some Reunion band members still
drummer Tommy Taylor's words while driving back late one night from a
gig in the mid-1970s: "I'm going to play with Chris," he said.
Chris, it turned out, was Christopher Cross, the Austin band that
made Grammy history in 1980. With Tommy on drums and
harmonies, songs such as "Sailing" and "Ride Like the Wind" defined the
musical era. In March, on the 32nd anniversary of the band's
multi-platinum debut album, The 2012 South by Southwest Austin Music
Awards recognized Tommy, at left in the photo above, and Christopher
Cross's remarkable achievement with Hall of Fame recognition. The
reunited band played a few songs and then Bruce Springsteen took the
stage. Quite a night, we'd say. Congratulations, Tommy!
And remember: Tommy's still Reunion's drummer which means you get a Hall
of Fame show every time Reunion is in the house! 3/19/12

Another year, another milestone.
Last year marked 40 years since Reunion played its first downbeat at a
small party in Central Austin. Things were decidedly low tech back
then, as can be seen in many points along the band
timeline here. Then came the internet and
Reunion jumped on board with this website. Soon after the calendar
flipped to 2012 this website welcomed its
50,000th visitor. We could say we've played for that many people over
the years, but undoubtedly the number is much, much higher. And
the figure will continue to grow in 2012 as the year kicks off with the
band at the Texas Rangers Awards Show and Fan Fest in Arlington as well
as the sold out 3M Austin Half Marathon, all in January. It looks like a
good year is brewing and for that we offer fifty-thousand thanks. Oh,
and Happy New Year! 1/06/12

When Reunion was in its
formative years, one of our prime formers was
Charlie Hatchett, the ubiquitous talent agent who sent us to gigs around
the state. Totally deserving of being celebrated, "Hatch" will be
feted on the evening of Oct. 2 at Threadgill's South. He's also
featured in the
Austin Chronicle. Congrats Charlie -- you da man!

is a woman of many talents. Aside from being Reunion's singer, she's
quite the impressionistic photographer, too. Her shot of two
revelers paints the essence of a Reunion show ala Renoir. "We
don't have anything like this in Kansas," they said. 7/9/11

We don't usually put Facebook stuff here, because
you can find it
here. But a recent performance with the Beatles-esque No. 9 Orchestra
by Reunion's Sam Jeffrey elicited this online comment from longtime
ensemble member: "Sam
absolutely NAILED the piccolo trumpet solo on 'Penny Lane'...NO ONE on
earth has ever played it better live since the original
recording...absolutely breath removing." Sam has provided
countless thrilling moments in Reunion; for sure, he did it again -- and
to the biggest ovation of the evening -- as lead trumpet with the
No. 9 Orchestra's Magical Mystery Horns at Austin's iconic Threadgill's
World HQ. 5/9/11
the band a few days off and they scatter. It just so happens that
drummer Tommy and singer Lorrie scattered -- and then met up -- in the
same locale, saying "bonjour" from atop Paris' Arc de Triomphe.
C'est si bon, y'all!!!

In April, the National Recording Preservation
Board of the Library of Congress added 25 historic
recordings to its registry. Among them were Al Green's "Let's
Stay Together" and Tammy Wynette's "Stand By Your Man." Reunion
agrees and likes those songs so much that they're part of the band's
regular repertoire. Hearing Andrew emulate Al and Lorrie channel
Tammy is thrilling to say the least. Listen for them the next time
you hear Reunion live!

Three Austin icons are celebrating 40th
anniversaries this year. This spring Masters champion Ben Crenshaw
marks his 40th consecutive appearance amidst the azaleas of Georgia.
Successful local ad agency GSD&M turns two-score in the summer, concurrent
with the time that Reunion marks the same milestone. And everyone
looks good as they still swing with power and sophistication.
That's what living the good life in Austin will do for you.

noted above, 40
years ago, in 1971, Reunion played its first downbeat.
Since then the band has played more than a thousand parties from
San Francisco to Shreveport -- but mostly in the great state of
Texas. As part of the celebration
presents a 1971-2011 Timeline, tracing the band from its
humble-but-rocking roots to today. Check out the quips and
quotes, photos and recollections here.
3/2/11 |

One of the great things about being based in
the Live Music Capital of the World is, obviously, the wealth of
talent around. Reunion has had its share of quality
musicians sit in, as was the case at a recent gig when
Kopp, whose extensive musical credits range from the Tonight
Show to Bob Dylan, joined the band for a full set. Thanks,
Brad. That was fun! 1/5/11 |

rock, Hook-Em? Peace, power, rock 'n' roll? No, just the
Reunion Horns signing in to 2011. Joining Kelly, Sam and Stephen
for a festive
CenTex New Year's Eve were the Reunion Singers, Andrew and Lorrie, who
livened things up with their distinctive vocal stylings, and
the Reunion Rhythm Section, Dave, Paul, Tommy, John and Paul,
who always rock the house. And this time the 'house' was
actually a house! There are more
photos from the event here. Thanks,
Alicia, for the photos. Reunion wishes you
and yours a healthy, happy and prosperous 2011. But may you still
party like it's 1999. And speaking of parties, go
here for
Reunion's 2011 event schedule. 1/2/11 |
December brought the band to downtown San Antonio, among
other locales, to celebrate the season. Above, Andrew puts
his own special touch on Feliz Navidad. Reunion wishes you and yours
Happy Holidays! 12/20/10

Lovely Lorrie was in fabulous voice,
form and fashion as she knocked 'em down at an early October performance in
San Francisco's Golden Gate Park. The top-drawer event at
the de Young Art Museum included fine food, great
and, of course, Reunion's rockin' repertoire. Oh...and hundreds of
millions of dollars' worth world-class art for attendee viewing.
Among the works -- Van Gogh's famous self-portrait. Though the
band found the city fit, fun and fascinating, don't worry: their hearts
are still in Central Texas. 10/6/10 |

Willie Coy
c. 1995-Sept. 15, 2010
Faithful companion to Reunion lead singer Andrew
Last Will...of an Extremely Distinguished Dog by Eugene O'Neill

It's been noted here before that the
Austin McCallum and Anderson classes of the mid- 1970s
party hearty (and regularly) with the band. Now the classes of the
early '70s are getting involved. A recent Oasis gig brought
several members of Sam, Paul and Kelly's graduating class out for
merriment. In the photo, Sam joins classmate Paul Buford --
Facebooker extraordinaire and coordinator of the Mac gathering -- after
the set. Thanks for your efforts, Paul; it was great seeing everyone!

Dance: "At Last." Father-Daughter Dance: "The Way You Look
Tonight." Those, according to reports, were the tunes Chelsea
Clinton selected for her special dances following her much-anticipated
wedding July 31 in New York. Those very same songs frequently find
their way to the top of Reunion's reception
repertoire, too. Brides love both the music and message of
those classics. Lone Star wedding parties, particularly, are
thrilled when Andrew applies his classy
vocal interpretations to both tunes as the bride takes to the dance
floor with her main men. She may not sport a Vera Wang dress ala
the former first daughter but, with Reunion, she can have the very same
featured songs that Chelsea had. And when it's a
Best of Weddings band involved, she'll have
as much fun. Best Wishes Chelsea and Marc for fantastic life together!

You think time travel isn't possible? A
recent Reunion booking may prove otherwise. This
summer Reunion returns to Austin's famed Sixth Street for partying like
it's 1989. The
band plays three big shows, Aug. 14, Sept.
18, and Oct. 16 at
Maggie Mae's,
which will be celebrating its 25th Anniversary. Few clubs accomplish
such longevity, especially along Sixth. But Reunion was there when
it opened in the mid-80s and will be there in 2010 to help the club
celebrate its milestone. Congratulations MM! Now let's party. 7/22/10
We've partied. Sixth Street remains packed, just like the Maggie's
dance floor. In the photo, Tommy, Paul, Andrew, Sam, Stephen and Paul
manage to rock back through the worm hole to 1987. There was even a
Clinton (the band's original keyboardist) sighting. All in all a successful back-to-the-future event.

What's everybody lookin' at? Though
Reunion powers The Oasis' party-on-the-lake atmosphere, there's no
question who the big star is -- it's, well, a big star. El Sol sets
every summer evening during the band's break drawing cameras and lots of oohs and ahhs.
The revelers you see above danced to a world-class show band and then
witnessed a world-class sunset. Then they danced some more. That's
entertainment! 7/18/10

It's social networking time. Become a
Facebook fan before the crowd arrives and get updates on the band and
its performances. Go
here so we can be friends.

As has been observed here before, the talent
level among Reunion members is impressive,
indeed. The latest chronicle of that is Reunion vocalist Lorrie
Singer's new website. A songstress and narrator of renown, Lorrie
always has several projects on the front burner. We're pleased
that Reunion is one of them. Check out what Lorrie has been up to
here and
enjoy her live with Reunion in venues across Texas. 6/23/10

Photo by Selena Quintanilla-Perez
The things that turn up! Buried amongst papers in one band
member's house was this previously unpublished, one-of-a-kind photo of a
Miami chat between Latin music icons
Cruz, left, and
Estefan. So who would have had access to preserve this moment from the
1990s? None other than budding superstar
herself. 6/04/10

Austin is awash in way-talented musicians. In the Live Music
Capital of the World it's not always enough to be great on one
instrument; sometimes local mastery extends across a range of axes.
A recent outing in Salado displayed the considerable chops of one
Reunion sideman. When band keyboardist John (himself an
accomplished multi-instrumentalist) had to miss a recent outing, the
band called on Woot Talley, who usually sits in on bass, to man the
keyboard. He sang as well. He didn't play guitar...but he
could have. And he did it all while looking quite dapper in his
tuxedo. 5/11/10

Tommy was environmentally stylish when he
strolled into the room for a recent San Antonio society event. His
talented beat-keeping feet were shod in blue faux-ostrich leather, a
material that drew plenty of attention and Lorrie's iPhone lens.
Talk about your boogie shoes! 4/11/10

Sometimes there's just no excuse for brain
lapses. Your humble webmaster has erred. Within this site,
Scotty Crooks is referred to as Reunion's first guitarist. In
fact, our dear friend
Scotty was second chronologically. The dubious honor of being first goes to
Jim Brauer, a sizzling guitarist now based in Albuquerque. Jim and
his lovely lady joined the band recently at The Oasis and set the
Reunion webmaster straight. The facts: Jim was there at the band's very
formation, naming, and initial downbeat, pictured at right. Indeed, without
him, there may be no Reunion. So yes, Jim, of course:
you're No. 1! And we couldn't be happier about it. Thanks for the
opportunity to correct this inadvertent rewriting of history, best wishes in your
exceptional musical endeavors, and Go Isotopes!

Prestigious bridal guide The Knot has released its
Best of Weddings list for 2010. Reunion won in the Wedding
Band category. Our clients
have long told us how they felt, now
they're telling The Knot, too. The publication "asked thousands of
recent Austin brides what they really thought about their
vendors" and listed Reunion among vendors who "came out on top."
Thanks, to all the Austin brides and their moms who made this happen.
You can add your wedding to Reunion's calendar here and know that it'll be a Top Knot, err...Top Notch event!

Among the treasures of UT-Austin is the first photograph, above left,
taken in the 1820s. Among Reunion's new-found treasures is the
photographic relic next to it, taken 150 years or so later. It
depicts Andrew and early band guitarist, Scotty, surrounded by
lovely ladies and a half-dozen empty beer bottles. Cheers! 2/10/10
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Feliz, Y'all
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